Extra Planetary Pictures

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Papa Mike’s Cook Islands Handbook

by Mike Hollywood

In 2005 The Cook Islands were the target of five cyclones in an incredible two-week stretch. The capital island of Rarotonga sustained substantial damage, and several of the outer islands sustained far greater damage.

This second edition of Papa Mike’s Cook Islands Handbook has up to date information on all the post cyclone changes in lodgings and restaurants, as well as expanded coverage of all outer islands in both the Southern and Northern group of the Cook Island Chain.

So travel to a South Pacific Paradise that has changed little in the past century, to the islands of beautiful beaches and the friendliest people in the world. This guidebook is written in a relaxed style, full of helpful information, presented with a touch of humor and the author’s personal opinions. You will enjoy the lighter side of this well-researched guidebook as you discover the natural beauty of these islands.

The second edition of Papa Mike’s Cook Islands Handbook includes expanded evaluations on virtually all lodgings on Rarotonga, from budget to luxury, including mail, phone, E-Mail and web site listings. Revised and expanded coverage of all thirteen occupied islands in the Cook Islands chain, including inter island flight and shipping schedules. This guidebook offers trip planning from virtually anywhere on the planet to the islands, with over sixty maps and pictures to enable the visitor to experience the pristine lagoons, cultural beauty and kindness of the islands and the people that inhabit them.